
时间:2024-08-28 浏览:31 分类:英语口语

10 What I should do at present is learn English well 我目前应该做的事情是学好英语 情景对话发挥你的想象力,你可以以任何人的身份进行想象,你可以想象各种各样的答案,只有想象力丰富,才能尽量接触到所有你可能想说的话;编者按Alice in Wonderland是一个英语长篇故事,讲述了主人公参加了一个疯狂的茶会的事情,最后主人公愉快地玩耍在花园中A mad teaparty 疯狂的茶会 讲述者 Hello! Alice is trying to find her way back to;shoppingA B, I#39m going to shopping Do you want to go with me?B Ok, I#39d love toOh, wait, let me bring C he is my roommate and he said he also would go to shopping this morning Would;hello,is alice there?喂,你是爱丽丝吗这个there不是指“那里”这个地点,而是处于这个地点上的人,可以翻译为那边的朋友兄弟等,你们好例句1Is there anything I can get you?有什么我可以帮你的吗2;英语日常口语 Unit69The art gAllery 画廊 ,本单元是关于画廊的对话,Alice This is a lovely painting Paul Isn#39t it? Let#39s find out about it Excuse me! Guide Ooh, hello there, can I help;儿童常用英语口语4 第三单元 An apple or a pear,Lin Lin? 玲玲,要苹果还是要梨? An apple,please 要苹果 A banana or a peach,Dick? 狄克,要香焦还是要桃子? A banana,please 要香焦 A grape or a litchi,Alice。


英语日常口语 Unit63A sad goodbye悲伤的再见 ,本单元是关于悲伤的再见的对话,Tim Well cousin Michal, this is goodbye Alice You#39ve been a great friend to us all and a great flatmate too Michal;篇四关于爱的英语口语对话 A Alice is very lucky her boyfriend idolizes herB Well, I think his love for her is excessive sometimesA How can true love and affection be excessive?B Well, when;英语日常口语 Unit64A strange letter奇怪的信件 ,本单元是关于奇怪的信件的对话,Alice Hi Tim What are you reading, or is it private? Tim Oh, nothing Alice Sure it#39s not a love letter? Ti;急诊室 MaryHowrsquos it feel?感觉怎么样?BobAbout the same和刚才差不多MarySomeone will be out to take a look any minute now很快就有人给你看的BobShould we be here, Alice? I donrsquo。


Well, Tom, it was good to meet you I have to go now I#39m teaching a classthis evening and I need to get to the collegeIt was nice meeting you too, AliceSee you aroundGoodbye, Alice;Hello everyone,I am very happy to be here today My name is Alice , i am years old I love to study hard and always try my best to do everything well And i am the class monitor of my clas;英语口语常用功能性句型及实例 你知道英语口语常用功能性句型有哪些吗?你对英语口语常用功能性句型了解吗?下面是我为大家带来的英语口语常用功能性句型及实例的知识,欢迎阅读英语口语常用功能性句型及实例 1 强调自己的;A嗨!爱丽丝在星期6和星期天你想干什么?B我喜欢看书或者听音乐 A我喜欢在家看电视真夜手打你呢?C我喜欢做运真夜动与我的同班同学 B你们经常与别的班级比赛么?C是的我们有一场羽毛球比赛与一班在昨天下午;I#39m happy to know that you have a threeday vacation I think you should go to the dentist on the first day If you have a toothache, you can#39t do other things happily On the second day, you;TomHow are you doingLi Ming I’mdoing great, thank you释义How are youdoing最近怎么样熟人间问候2 聊聊天气 Li Ming It’scold today, isn’t it? I’m freezingAliceYes It’seve。


Hello everyoneMy name is xxx and my English name is AliceI#39m eighteen years old and now I#39m studying in Grade 3 of number one senior high school不好意思,铁路一中不大会写,只写了一中Well,I#39m;Alice Like what? Michal Go to the pub Alice No, it#39s too smoky Tim Go to a nightclub Helen It#39s too noisy Michal How about going to the cinema? Alice There#39s nothing on I real。
