
时间:2024-09-06 浏览:22 分类:英语口语

1I don#39t have a reservation我没有预约2Can I book a double room?我可以订一间双人间吗?3Do you have any vacancies for tonight?今晚还有空房吗?4I#39d like to make a reservation for tomorrow我。


酒店前厅服务英语口语情景对话如下R Good morning,madam, how may I help you?G Hi, I booked a room under the name of Lily Bass, can you please check me in?R Sure, please hold on for a。

43 VACANT ROOM空房房间空的,且能马上出租的 44 VIP贵宾即VERY IMPORTANT PERSON,由酒店规定的给予特别照顾的客人 45 VOUCHER凭证通常指由旅行社发出的用于支付房间费用的收款凭证 46 WALKIN步行者。

酒店前台常用的英语口语如下1Good morning This is Room reservation May I help you?早上好,客房预订处,我能为您做什么2What kind of room would you like to reserve?您想订哪种类型的房间3A。

以下是戴尔英语整理的关于酒店宾馆前台常用的英文对话 一问候客人 1Good morning,sir 早上好,先生2Good afternoon,madam 中午好,太太3Good evening,sir 晚上好,先生4Good night,madam 晚安,夫人。

Sorry, according to the rule of our hotel without the receipt of deposit we can not refund your balance, but if you really lost the receipt of deposit, we need you provide a receipt to prove that you h。

酒店前台的英语表达可以如下The room is cheap,only 100 yuan one night房间很便宜,只要100元一晚上04 还有一些特定的酒店预订房间的词汇,比如说双人间是double room,一个不错的景观房的话表述为a good view r。


酒店日常英语对话 Daily Service 日常服务酒店日常英语对话一Knocking at the door敲门May I come in?我可以进来吗?Come in,please请进Please don#39t come in请不要进来Just a m。


Good afternoon, sir Welcome to FOSHAN Electrcical Hotel中午好,先生,欢迎光临佛山电子宾馆 Good evening, Ms May I help you?晚上好,小姐,请问我能为您服务吗后面也可以接上自己酒店名称部门名称,如Good。

Good morning sir,welcome to our hotel 先生早上好,欢迎光临本酒店 what can I do for you? 我能为您做什么呢 Did you make a reservation?您有预定吗 Do you like to check in now?您想现在就办理入住手续吗。

welcome to our hospital,may i help you?欢迎光临,需要我帮忙吗?what can i do for you?我能为你做些什么?what#39s your order?你想点些什么?do you want us to wake you up tomorrow?明天需要叫早吗?im sorry。

旅游英语口语入住酒店 我会晚一点到达,请保留所预订的房间I#39ll arrive late, but please keep my reservation我在台北已预订房间I made a reservation in Taipei我的名字是王明明My name is Wang MingMing。

出国旅游免不了去入住酒店,学习一些基本的英语口语对话,更有利于提升自己的能力,下面是住酒店日常英语口语对话汇总,一起来了解下吧住酒店日常英语口语对话汇总AGood morning, sir How may I help you?A早上好。

Try to study these and I am sure you will get the job Check In Front desk clerks greet guests upon arrival to the hotel, access their information in the computer system, retrieve their reservation。

酒店客房常用英语口语 在酒店工作中,比较常用到英语的是餐厅,前台,客房,礼宾,总机及销售以下是我精心整理的酒店客房常用英语口语,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助1Housekeeping May I come in?客房服务员。

1 Welcome to haiyatt garden Hotel欢迎光临海悦酒店2 Good morningafternoonevening Sirmadam 先生小姐早上好下午好晚上好3 Have a good trip祝您旅途愉快4 I hope I’m not bothering。
